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[AHQ]⇒ PDF Gratis A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart

A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart

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Jesse James Dawson never wanted to find himself in the middle of a demonic war. However, with the addition of 275 extra souls to his life, he’s got a target painted on his back in the most literal sense. With his apprentice, Estéban Perez, in tow, he heads to Mexico where the boy’s mother, a powerful bruja, will hopefully be able to extract the souls without harm to any party involved.

Champions for generations, the Perez family knows all there is to know about magic and taking out demons. But, like every family, there is drama bubbling beneath the surface. Add to that an ancient evil that has been waiting for just this chance, and of course, things are all going straight to Hell.

A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart

I discovered K.A. Stewart’s Jesse James Dawson series several years ago when the first installment, A Devil In The Details, hit the shelves. Featuring demon-slaying samurai family man Jesse, the storyline and characters were a breath of fresh air in the crowded and often over-amped urban fantasy market. Jesse puts his own soul on the line in order to win back others’ from the demons. Sort of like betting at poker, except the cards are swords, the cash is souls, and the other players are demons! I loved the action, wit, and strong character relationships (not to mention a certain mysterious demon pal), so I devoured the next two books in the series, A Shot In The Dark and A Wolf At The Door.

After book three, however, and much to my disappointment and that of other fans, Roc declined to continue the series. Seriously, guys, the end of book three was not a happy place for Jesse. He’s shouldering—literally—275 human souls, which makes him the biggest prize in the growing demonic war…not to mention the biggest target.

So, I was thrilled when Stewart announced she’d be continuing it on her own. The self-publishing route was a brilliant way to complete the series, please her readers, and avoid leaving her character in a lurch.

That brings us to book four, A Snake In The Grass, which released earlier this summer. First, I’ve gotta say I’m so excited Stewart was able to match the gorgeous cover art of the series. She makes several ambitious decisions with this story and some work better than others. First, she takes us out of the Kansas City area where the prior books had largely been centered, and lands us in Mexico among the family of Jesse’s apprentice, Esteban Perez, whose ancestors have been using magic and hunting demons for centuries. The plan is to seek the family’s help to extricate those 200-plus souls from Jesse’s back while shielding him from any demons in pursuit. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…

What unfolds is a mix of action and family drama as Esteban strives to accept the mantle of family patriarch (aka lead demon hunter), redeem relatives who are flirting with the dark side, and avoid lectures from his powerful and pragmatic mom. I’ve liked Esteban’s character throughout the series, and it was fun to see him grow and come into his own here. It was definitely “his” book.

A Snake In The Grass displays quite a bit more maturity than the average coming of age tale, with much higher personal stakes. Esteban’s memory of the older brother he lost in battle and the pseudo father-son conversations between him and Jesse were some of my favorites in the book. Esteban also owns most of the large-scale action scenes as Jesse opts out in order to protect the souls he’s carrying. While I thought it was an interesting choice for Stewart to essentially sideline her main character from much of the action, I did miss Jesse in the battles. The good news is that his jokes and colorful assessments are still in hefty supply!

Stewart’s decision also sets up some great internal conflict for Jesse, because he wants so badly to jump in and help his apprentice, yet can’t. Sort of like being charged to protect a nuke while watching your friends charge into hand-to-hand combat just down the street. You know you can’t leave your station, but you’d take every other measure you possibly could to help. It’s not a situation many authors choose for their action-oriented fantasy heroes, and I liked that Stewart played with it.

As usual, she also has a well-developed supporting cast. Svetlana, Jesse’s hyper-vigilant body guard/house guest, and Carlotta, Esteban’s mother, were my favorites. I found Svetlana to be both hilarious (in her dry, overly serious fashion) and intriguing – I really want to know about her past and why she became a hunter. And Carlotta managed to feel like a genuine worried mom AND an ultra-powerful bruja, leading a powerful family.

The other great character I’ll mention is Henry, who doesn’t get a name until the final page, but definitely won an odd little place in my heart. Part of that is due to Stewart’s spot-on description of him, and the fact that she manages to do it through a Star Wars reference. Double points! Henry plays a pivotal role in this book, and I’m excited to see where Stewart takes him next in the series.

Henry also fills a gap I sorely missed for most of the book – Axel. Friend? Informant? Demon? Axel is, at times, all three. He makes a few appearances in A Snake In The Grass (I cheered), but I get the sense that Stewart used this book as set up for Axel’s future story. While I got a kick out of Jesse’s mini-confrontation with Axel during the big reveal at the book’s end, I hope we get more details about Axel’s explanation of the war. It felt crammed here, and I’m not sure it needed to be. I would have liked to see a little less detail on the drama in Mexico and a little more about the (major!) turn of events in the demonic war.

Stewart planned a six book series, and in many ways, A Snake In The Grass is a classic middle-of-the-series novel. That said, I did enjoy this volume, and I’m very much looking forward to the next two. I’m really excited to see Jesse and Esteban fight side by side, and I can’t wait to get a better glimpse of the full scope of demonic scheming! (

Product details

  • File Size 4231 KB
  • Print Length 286 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Pirate Ninja Press (July 6, 2014)
  • Publication Date July 6, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart

Tags : A Snake in the Grass (Jesse Dawson Book 4) - Kindle edition by K.A. Stewart. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Snake in the Grass (Jesse Dawson Book 4).,ebook,K.A. Stewart,A Snake in the Grass (Jesse Dawson Book 4),Pirate Ninja Press,FICTION Fantasy Urban
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A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart Reviews

It had its own story but seemed to be more of a midpoint for what is coming. I look forward to it
I've been enjoying this series since my friend turned me onto it. It's witty, fun, and a quick read. My wife has gotten hooked too. I really enjoy these!
Very well written and interesting.The change in venue to Mexico and the new characters (especially the new villain) were interesting.But it was wrapped up too soon and was mainly setting the stage for the next book.But the previous book in the series is still my favorite and I would have loved more Axel.But finally we get to know the players involved.
This is a good book, well written. However it works better as the fourth book in a series than as a standalone novel. Not much dramatic happens until almost halfway through the book. And the conclusion is more a ... wait and see what happens in the next book.
I deducted a star because the page margins were not right justified. But gave a star for self-publishing a much needed book in the series. Enjoyed a good read. Story is solid, a lil cramped at the end. (too many details).
This appeals to the champion inside. Modern day paladins who take up arms against demons.

There really isn't any way to read and understand this book without having read the previous ones. Jesse's character had to grow so much to get to this point I feel his choices in this book would be considered odd without the prior novels info to put them in context.

Taken as a part of the series I would give it a 5 stars, but as a stand alone novel it looses some coherence.
When the publisher decided to move on from this series, I was disappointed. This series has been a relatively unique entry in the Urban Fantasy genre. The main character, Jesse James Dawson, possess neither magical ability nor extraordinary ability. Instead, Jesse is a man who follows a moral compass upon a path he accepted due to a poor decision by his brother (selling one's soul to a demon).

Fortunately, K. A. Stewart decided to stretch into a new arena and dive into self-publishing. Jesse, his wife, and apprentice return from the previous books with consistent characters who continue to develop and evolve. This natural progression and the journey by which decisions are made by the characters is well described by the author and is consistent with previous actions.

Character interactions are well scripted and flow logically. Action scenes are well described without belaboring minutiae. The heroes are likable without achieving perfection. Both Jesse and Esteban make poor choices in the book, but remain consistent with the core aspects of their characters. Esteban's family is at the center of the story, and Stewart creates a believable clan that combines large families and traditions of honor and responsibility.

This book is not a good stepping on point. New readers to the series would be advised to read the first three books. In my opinion, this is not a negative, just something potential readers should be aware of when purchasing. Beyond this observation, there are a few points that keep this book from achieving five stars.

1) The weight of the story is too heavily loaded into the last few chapters. Learning about Esteban's family is enjoyable, but at times felt a little too expanded in the story being told.

2) Coincidence seems too high that with everything that has built up in the previous three books, that this one location in the world is exactly where Jesse would end up. I won't get into more detail as it would spoil the end, if just feels too unlikely that Jesse would go through everything in the first three books that establish his significance within the demon community to be such a crucial figure in triggering the upcoming events. If we are ever learn why Axel originally focused his attention on Jesse, this may evolve into less of a concern.

Overall, my experience with the book was enjoyable and I look forward to a fifth book. For a self-published book, the quality of the cover, formatting, and editing is top notch. I commend K. A. for doing this right.
I discovered K.A. Stewart’s Jesse James Dawson series several years ago when the first installment, A Devil In The Details, hit the shelves. Featuring demon-slaying samurai family man Jesse, the storyline and characters were a breath of fresh air in the crowded and often over-amped urban fantasy market. Jesse puts his own soul on the line in order to win back others’ from the demons. Sort of like betting at poker, except the cards are swords, the cash is souls, and the other players are demons! I loved the action, wit, and strong character relationships (not to mention a certain mysterious demon pal), so I devoured the next two books in the series, A Shot In The Dark and A Wolf At The Door.

After book three, however, and much to my disappointment and that of other fans, Roc declined to continue the series. Seriously, guys, the end of book three was not a happy place for Jesse. He’s shouldering—literally—275 human souls, which makes him the biggest prize in the growing demonic war…not to mention the biggest target.

So, I was thrilled when Stewart announced she’d be continuing it on her own. The self-publishing route was a brilliant way to complete the series, please her readers, and avoid leaving her character in a lurch.

That brings us to book four, A Snake In The Grass, which released earlier this summer. First, I’ve gotta say I’m so excited Stewart was able to match the gorgeous cover art of the series. She makes several ambitious decisions with this story and some work better than others. First, she takes us out of the Kansas City area where the prior books had largely been centered, and lands us in Mexico among the family of Jesse’s apprentice, Esteban Perez, whose ancestors have been using magic and hunting demons for centuries. The plan is to seek the family’s help to extricate those 200-plus souls from Jesse’s back while shielding him from any demons in pursuit. But you know what they say about the best laid plans…

What unfolds is a mix of action and family drama as Esteban strives to accept the mantle of family patriarch (aka lead demon hunter), redeem relatives who are flirting with the dark side, and avoid lectures from his powerful and pragmatic mom. I’ve liked Esteban’s character throughout the series, and it was fun to see him grow and come into his own here. It was definitely “his” book.

A Snake In The Grass displays quite a bit more maturity than the average coming of age tale, with much higher personal stakes. Esteban’s memory of the older brother he lost in battle and the pseudo father-son conversations between him and Jesse were some of my favorites in the book. Esteban also owns most of the large-scale action scenes as Jesse opts out in order to protect the souls he’s carrying. While I thought it was an interesting choice for Stewart to essentially sideline her main character from much of the action, I did miss Jesse in the battles. The good news is that his jokes and colorful assessments are still in hefty supply!

Stewart’s decision also sets up some great internal conflict for Jesse, because he wants so badly to jump in and help his apprentice, yet can’t. Sort of like being charged to protect a nuke while watching your friends charge into hand-to-hand combat just down the street. You know you can’t leave your station, but you’d take every other measure you possibly could to help. It’s not a situation many authors choose for their action-oriented fantasy heroes, and I liked that Stewart played with it.

As usual, she also has a well-developed supporting cast. Svetlana, Jesse’s hyper-vigilant body guard/house guest, and Carlotta, Esteban’s mother, were my favorites. I found Svetlana to be both hilarious (in her dry, overly serious fashion) and intriguing – I really want to know about her past and why she became a hunter. And Carlotta managed to feel like a genuine worried mom AND an ultra-powerful bruja, leading a powerful family.

The other great character I’ll mention is Henry, who doesn’t get a name until the final page, but definitely won an odd little place in my heart. Part of that is due to Stewart’s spot-on description of him, and the fact that she manages to do it through a Star Wars reference. Double points! Henry plays a pivotal role in this book, and I’m excited to see where Stewart takes him next in the series.

Henry also fills a gap I sorely missed for most of the book – Axel. Friend? Informant? Demon? Axel is, at times, all three. He makes a few appearances in A Snake In The Grass (I cheered), but I get the sense that Stewart used this book as set up for Axel’s future story. While I got a kick out of Jesse’s mini-confrontation with Axel during the big reveal at the book’s end, I hope we get more details about Axel’s explanation of the war. It felt crammed here, and I’m not sure it needed to be. I would have liked to see a little less detail on the drama in Mexico and a little more about the (major!) turn of events in the demonic war.

Stewart planned a six book series, and in many ways, A Snake In The Grass is a classic middle-of-the-series novel. That said, I did enjoy this volume, and I’m very much looking forward to the next two. I’m really excited to see Jesse and Esteban fight side by side, and I can’t wait to get a better glimpse of the full scope of demonic scheming! (http//
Ebook PDF  A Snake in the Grass Jesse Dawson Book 4 eBook KA Stewart

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